
Vergo glared at Orion in rage. What angered him most wasn't that Orion killed the saint as he didn't care about the life of the saint. Nor was it the fact that he did it right under his nose despite the loss of face. No, what angered him most was how Orion acted as if Vergo was air.

"Kid, your arro.."

Before Vergo could finish his sentence, Orion cut him off.

"You're next!"

Hearing the lack of emotions in his voice as he spoke made Vergo feel as if Orion saw him as an easy target. But the truth was, Orion knew that his fight with Vergo would prove to be a brutal one, but he was determined to kill everyone who played a part in his brothers injuries. The lack of emotion in his voice was caused by his rage.

When pushed passed a certain point Orion's rage would display itself as cold indifference!

Vergo was pushed to his boiling point. He removed his tops revealing his muscular upper body and clenched his hand as hard as he could around his bamboo staff turning both it and his whole upper body black.

Orion watched him use his haki to harden his body from the waist up with a deadpan expression.

Seeing his expression only served to add fuel to the fire that was Vergo's wrath!


Vergo shot at Orion bringing his staff down aiming to crush his skull. In response, Orion gathered the wind around his katana and raised it above his head at an angle with the tip pointing towards the ground away from his body.

Vergo's attack was successfully diverted but not before making a tiny chip in Orion's sword and forcing him a step back. Despite not being able to parry Vergo's attack perfectly, Orion was quick to counter.

He used the force of Vergo's attack and channelled it back at him by slashing at his chest. Even though he didn't hold back he only managed to create a shallow cut on Vergo's skin.

Vergo looked at Orion with disdain.

"Too weak!"

Vergo then repeatedly attacked Orion with his staff aiming to turn him into paste but Orion would always seem to dodge from the most impossible angles.

"Zephyr's Evasion!"

Even though he was dodging the attack itself, he couldn't find a chance to counter attack and due to the power behind each swing, the wind pressure it brought was throwing him off slightly, making it harder and harder to dodge.

Seeing how Orion was struggling to dodge Vergo took his chance.

"Demon Bamboo Shot!"

The bamboo staff was swung so hard it started to bend despite being reinforced by his haki.

Orion knew he wouldn't be able to dodge this one, so he instantly created a giant ball of wind with him inside that pushed everything near it away from it and channelled his qi into his katana before raising it in an attempt to block the attack head on.



The staff tore passed the wall of wind with virtually no problems and as soon as the sword and staff made contact Orion's sword snapped in 2. But Vergo's attack didn't halt there, it continued into Orion's rib sending him flying into a building 20 meters away.

Vergo knew he did some real damage because he heard the sounds of bones cracking on impact.

Suddenly a shadow tore through the air as it raced at Vergo's head. Vergo calmly sidestepped the incoming half a sword as he looked in the direction of the building he sent Orion flying towards.

A boy walked out of the rubble. His clothes were in tatters, his breathing was ragged, and he had blood seeping out of his mouth. But his eyes were firm yet indifferent and he was holding a giant rectangular sword in his hand.

Seeing his calmness unnerved Vergo slightly but he didn't show it.

"Even if you change your sword, the end result won't change."

Orion didn't reply. He took a deep breath as he tried to steady his breathing as much as possible then began channeling his Qi through his body and even his sword.

[6 minutes.. I have 6 minutes to finish this!]

As he thought to there, with the aid of the wind he rushed at Vergo, moving twice as fast as he was before.

Vergo was put on the back foot as Orion's new found speed had caught him off guard.

Orion raised his sword and chopped down as if he wanted to split Vergo in two. Vergo quickly raised his blacked out bamboo staff to block.

As he blocked the attack, Vergo felt his arms go numb.

[How has he gotten so much stronger all of a sudden?!]

Orion didn't care about Vergo's shock as he carried on with his flurry of attacks.

After his initial shock Vergo became focused and managed to find his footing in the fight.

Even after finding his footing Vergo was still inwardly shocked by Orion's display.

[How is he able to fight me on equal grounds all of a sudden? Before he could only dodge and even that was a struggle and now..

I can't let him live or I have a feeling he could grow to be a problem for the young master in the future.]

Thinking to there, Vergo attacked with a renewed vigour but even still, he failed to gain the upper hand.

After a fighting with everything they had non-stop for 5 minutes both had suffered severe injuries.

Vergo had cuts all over his body and an especially deep wound travelling down his sternum. But of the two, Orion was in a lot worse condition. He had several broken ribs and a dislocated knee.

Even though he was the one with worse injuries, Vergo was the one who looked scared of the two.

[What kind of a monster is he? With those injuries anyone would be out for the count by now!]

As Vergo was starting to feel more and more threatened, Orion only felt a desire to win. Part of him wanted to kill Vergo for being an accomplice in the mistreatment Roman suffered, but part of him wanted to win just because his competitive spirit had been ignited after finding someone who was strong enough to push him to his limits!

[If I try to wait anymore I'll lose, I have to finish it with this next attack!]

Orion took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He remembered the day 2 years ago that he saw his father split the sea in 2 with a wave of his sword.

As Vergo saw what Orion was doing he let out a sigh of relief as he understood what Orion was doing.

"Planning to finish this all with one final attack? I knew you couldn't have much left in the tank but don't think I'll give you the time you need for your attack!"

As Vergo said that, he darted towards Orion with all his remaining strength wanting to put an end to this once and for all!

Even though Orion had his eyes closed he could sense Vergo's aura charging at him rapidly. He calmly raised his sword above his head and channelled his Heavenly Demon Qi through it. As he did the sword made a humming sound as if anticipating what was coming next.

Suddenly Orion opened his eyes and a very familiar aura surged out of him. It greatly resembled the aura that appeared on Marcus the day he split the sea. It was cold, sharp and overbearing! The aura made Orion seem like a genuine demon that had clawed its way out from the depths of hell and looked disdainfully at all that stood in its path (though somewhat immature).

He looked calmly at the rapidly approaching Vergo as he said softly.

"Heaven Sundering!"

Orion stepped forward and chopped his sword forth as if he wanted to cut open the gates of heaven.

A sapphire blue sword light tore through the air. When he saw it Vergo's eyes widened in terror as he raised his bamboo staff in a hasty attempt to block.

The haki infused staff was cut cleanly in two but the sword light lost no momentum as it carried on into and then through Vergo's body. The sword wave only stopped after cutting the navy's warship in two.

Orion didn't even have the energy to see if his attack succeeded as his body hit the ground like a ton of bricks.

He was still awake but between the pain from his injuries and the fatigue from the highly demanding battle he couldn't move a muscle.

Hancock who was sat beside Roman was in complete and utter disbelief by Orion's display. As were Jalmack's remaining guards. The same thing was going through all their minds as the fight came to an end.

[The kid's a little monster!]


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