Several hundred marine warriors were bravely attacking the flood dragons, causing it to roar in anger as it fiercely used it's body to try and hit them. Although the wounds were small and non-life threatening, they began to accumulate on it's body, causing the area to have a red fog. At the same time, several warriors would be killed from it's swinging tail. At the very back, two middle-aged people were carefully watching for anything abnormal with their divine sense.
A hundred miles away, was where the seven people were hiding. But at this time, an abnormal situation was going on.
A guy's leg was missing most of his skin and flesh, leaving behind a leg bone. Blood was constantly seeping out, before being sucked into a black snake that came from a shingle dome completely black that sat on the floor. His face was very white, with exhaustion in his eyes. Deep within, there was nothing but deep hatred and the desire for revenge. The same hatred could be seen in the women's eyes as well.
The fight had been going on for half an hour now. I had feasted on the guy's leg and drained a good amount of his blood, leaving me quite satisfied. I didn't get as much blood essence, as the guy was in control of it, but trace amounts were pretty good. But his flesh was like a tonic. My diameter had expanded another foot, which is quite awesome. The only bad side, is each growth feels like a growth spurt in your bones, which is a little painful. It's fortunate that I don't have many nerves, or else it'd be different.
Being satisfied, I slowly slid over towards the women. The guy's body shook violently as a little blood dripped from the side of his mouth, before passing out and sliding to his butt. The women trembled in hatred and fear as she shook her head at the approaching me. I laughed as I got a few inches from her legs.
Seeing tears run down her face, somehow underwater, I suddenly felt some sympathy for some reason. Hesitating, I sighed a bit before shaking my head. The snake bit down but only drank the blood, instead of taking chunks of flesh out. Twenty minutes went by once again, and the battle seemed to be coming to an end. The women's face had turned white as well, but her leg was intact. I only grew a few inches that round since it was only blood.
I took a last peek at the others, who were looking at me in fear, with two having hatred in their eyes. Chuckling, I slid away in the direction I came. Moving a foot a second, I went further into the twilight zone, where sunlight begins to fail to penetrate water. This time, I dug into the side of a huge pillar of coral. Probably used to be a geothermal vent. Digging at the base, I hid myself inside so I can fully digest the food.
The fight was coming and end pretty quickly by now. The flood dragon seemed to be on the verge of death. There was only about seventy warriors still alive, but exhausted and injured. The two middle aged guy seemed to be pleased. The flood dragon's huge body began to descend downwards in to the dark ocean below while the others followed.
Seeing that huge flood dragon body, I couldn't help hesitate seeing such a huge food source being taken away. Such a creature has blood and flesh that is extremely tonic and beneficial. Possibly several times more than that Leonardo guy. Even if I were to eat only several pounds, I'd surely grow several feet.
Plus, I no longer have just pure defense and no offense. That devouring snake ability I used earlier has great potential for offense. Using it to eat flesh and drink blood for those two only cost half of my Qi for around an hour of use. If I can efficiently use it better and reduce the cost while better use the devour laws, then it could be a potentially great weapon for the future.
However, I've descended quite far into the depths of the ocean. I don't how far it's depth is compared to the average ocean depth on Earth, but surely the pressure is frightening. My origin was in shallow waters, and descending this far without dying is because of my devour laws on my shell reducing most of the pressure. Although the majority of it is dissipated, I'm feeling slight pressure at my current depth. Going down any further may become risky.
Thinking for several more seconds, I bit my teeth and exited the coral reef. If the pressure is too much, I'll just retreat and give up. I'll just adapt my body for a bit and come back down, hoping for remains which doesn't seem likely. Sometimes, one has to take risks for rewards.
I flew down at the fastest speed, going sixty meters per second, which is 134 miles per hour. Even if they notice, so what? They're too concerned about the flood dragon's body right now. The dangerous marine life has gone into hiding from the battle so it's best to descend while the problems are at bay.
The sunlight quickly began to dim out as the place became darker. Coral and rocks became rare and it turned into sandy floors. The only things to be seen are algae life with little bits of sea grass. Some of it is just floating around in the water. Then there's small marine life like oysters and fish, like you'd see on Earth. The only issue is that the things here in the Immortal Realm that are considered small are world breaking sizes on Earth. The marine life is several times larger than on Earth for some reason.
Yet, the floor is still slanted at 120 degrees, which is means I'm still far from the sea floor. The pressure has increased a little bit but more than enough to endure for now.
An hour later, I think I arrived near at the sea floor, or about 134 miles deep, as I maintained the same speed, which is a bit absurd. That would mean it's about 19 times deeper than the Mariana trench on Earth. Such a pressure is enough to kill any marine life living in the Mariana trench hundreds of times over. I don't even know if it's possible for life to even live down here.
The sea floor had mostly flatted out but there's nothing but endless muddy floors. Sand is non-existent probably because the pressure turns it into mud. I haven't even found life anywhere except for few bits of algae here and there. It's a good thing I ate beforehand or starvation would've became an issue.
The main issue now is keeping consciousness. The pressure here is enough here that my insides are struggling. I'm even using half of my Qi recovery rate to maintain this current state. Another fun factor is that it's completely pitch black. I have to use Qi to light up the area which further lowers my recovery rate.
I also don't even know if I've been traveling in a straight line. I'm probably lost meaning I have to blame myself for poor navigational skills.
Hearing a strange sound, I looked up in soul form before emitting a glowing ball. I saw a huge body several miles in length and 800 meters in width falling towards the ground, right above me.
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