I went through the vertical passage and appeared in a medium-sized room. I never expected though that the lifeforms inside here were the same disciples I had been with beforehand. Even the middle-aged man was still alive and kicking. In fact, everyone looked to be in good condition with no signs of starvation. I had a bunch of questions, but the first thing I did was light up the area.
Everyone immediately shielded their eyes from the bright light while some immediately began preparing to launch an attack.
"I didn't expect to see you guys here," I said as I lowered the brightness of my Qi down a few levels to be suitable.
At first, everyone was confused, but as their eyes adjusted to see a familiar dome figure, their eyes widened in surprise and shock. The middle-aged man got up off the ground in shock as he rubbed his eyes.
"I-it's really you?!" he asked as his wariness went away.
"Who you'd expect? Cave Johnson?" I asked.
"Cave Johnson? Who's that?" he asked.
"Just making stuff up. I never expected you all to still be alive," I said in surprise which is the truth.
"I never expected you to be alive either," he said in surprise as well.
"How did you survive?" I asked first.
"We were on the border of that massive star before the impact. Thanks to the shielding you gave us, we managed to survive. It wasn't until we escaped far enough and that we found this on the dry seafloor. Seeing more of those stars falling from the heaven's nearby, we had no choice but to hide under-here. Before we knew it, the place was underwater once again," he explained.
"I see. Thankfully you are all still alive," I said, with a reassuring smile.
"But how are you still alive? Weren't you in the center of all that?" he asked.
"I have the strongest exoskeleton out there. Nothing can destroy my scales!" I said gleefully.
"But most importantly," I said, "What kind of bullshit lie did you make to say tribulations are scary? That wasn't scary, that was horrifying! That wasn't a tribulation!"
"I-I don't know! There's supposed to be lighting and clouds! I didn't think falling stars would happen," he said holding his hands up in innocence.
I sighed, and fully transformed into a humanoid. Back then, I could only partially before the tribulation, leaving a pretty terrifying image of my face. Even after, I couldn't fully because of how injured I was at the time. After fully recovering, my body can fully shrink down to human size. The crazy mouth has disappeared and been replaced with a human-like mouth, except for the razor sharp teeth.
The only two issues is that I can't fully retract all the scales. I can only do that for my face down to my lower neck, so my feminine body is still terrifying. But with the scales on my head fully retracted it's a different story. Purple long hair ran down my sides and onto my shoulders. I can't see my face though.
The other issue is the pair of jugs on my chest which are too tough to squeeze or jiggle, thanks to the shingle scales.
"Does anybody have a mirror?" I asked. The females shook their heads while the males were in a trance.
"I do," said the middle-aged man as he pulled out a hand-held one from the space ring.
I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but be shocked. Except for the red dragon eyes, slightly sharp ears, and razor-sharp teeth, my face looks entirely human. Although a downside is that my facial features are only slightly beautiful, and not comparable to that female who I bit on her leg for blood.
In fact, my facial features are only a little above average. It's like an average looking commoner suddenly gained high speed cultivation and became the main character. All blemishes would disappear and the face slightly adjusts to their gender standards, making them slightly more handsome or beautiful than before. This is just like that. I have a slightly prettier than normal commoner look for a female body.
But it's made up by the fact that my eyes are like large, purple gems that seem to have a sea of purple within them. My hair is also smooth and silky, and my lips are smooth and delicate, like that of a beautiful female. I couldn't help but fall into a slight trance and blush as I slowly touched them.
The middle-aged man saw this and couldn't help but cough up blood thinking, "Are you a narcissist?!"
Thinking that people may think I'm a narcissist, I couldn't help but dryly cough and put the mirror away. I'm a lonely man, and seeing such a female face in the mirror couldn't help but trigger my emotions I had suppressed for years. I only had such a blushing face back in high school sometimes.
Awkwardly twisting my purple hair, I quickly dissipated the atmosphere and got rid of the silence.
"Let's get out here. I'll cover you all in shields and bring you to the surface," I said as I wrapped everyone up in a black devour shield. They all got up in excitement with hope in their eyes. Covering them in shields, I went ahead first and stayed at the entrance. Everyone slowly came out a stuck to the ceiling like air bubbles since that's what they are literally in right now.
Manipulating the shields, I carried them all outside into a large group before moving upwards. There was about fifty miles of water above us so it took quite several minutes. When we reached the surface, the place looked to be in turmoil as well.
The whole ocean was still moving like a fast moving river, so the waves were quite huge as they rolled over occasionally despite it being fifty miles up. The winds up on the surface were commercial jet speeds, causing waves to move thousands of meters into the air. Water of the surface was ripped off forcefully in every spot, causing a white foggy mist that was like a dust-storm but much worse.
I expanded my body to it's full size, which hasn't grown much since I've been starving since recently. The waves nearly reached my body size, but it's still bearable. Flipping upside down, I floated like a raft and everyone landed on my flat surface. With the protect of devour shields, the winds are drastically reduced to bearable levels. This allowed sightseeing, which isn't much when you can only see a few meters in front of your face.
Everyone stayed on the outside for a bit and conversed in groups, their shields merging as they grouped together. In the meantime, I expelled all the water from my stomach and moved all the undigested food to a corner. I then noticed the eldest female disciple with the same young one that had the courage to talk to me back on the ship were walking towards where my eye is. I silently put up my guard, because losing my eye would be pitiful after getting this far.
"Thank you so much for helping us," said the eldest disciple softly as she bowed a near 90 degrees.
"Un! Thank you so much Miss Creature!" said the little girl to as she giggled and bowed.
"No need to flatter me. I'm just doing what's right," I said without much of an expression.
"If you need anything, please ask," she said before taking her leave.
Inwardly, I sneered. Help? If it wasn't for the need of information and directions, I couldn't care less about you disciples. I'd just absorb your blood essence. Although I would keep the females aboard to make me feel better.
You should all be thankful that I'm one that still has a slight positive ethnicity towards intelligent creatures. I'm the type of person that likes to be unfettered and do things when I feel like it regardless of whether or not it's considered evil.
With the conclusion of me venting out my emotions, I settled down, and announced the safety of my mouth. Almost everyone went inside without hesitation, probably because they trust me now. The middle-aged man deeply thanked me before heading inside. With everyone gone, I rolled my eyes and maneuvered my body against the waters, making me look like a jet ski.
This journey will take quite a long time...
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