
Between the howls and wails, the screams and cries of women being raped in plain sight, human flesh being sliced and eaten like a delicacy, a middle-aged man was desperately running, yelling his lungs out.


His clothes were tattered and soaked in blood, and his body was beyond recognition and barely holding on. He was trying to flee the hellish scene that was occurring behind him. His remote village, the one in which he had lived in for his entire life, was now a beacon illuminating the night.

''Whyyyyy areeeeeee youuuuuuuuuu runninnnnnnnnnnng awwaaayyyy froooooom usssssssss?''

Terrifying low growls could be heard behind him. Mixed with his own panting, he could hardly order his lungs to keep functioning and his heart to keep pumping blood.

The humanoid creatures pursuing him were practically shadows, which were barely distinguishable. Their eyes, similar to black holes, were watching their prey struggling for its pathetic life.

Faint and sinister giggles reverberated through the gory night. Their appearances varied from one to another. Some had a crimson fur, while others had bones protruding from their backs. Several were running on four limbs like wolves and others had an anatomy similar to ghouls.

They had rows of teeth akin to sharks and their pearly whiteness, tainted with blood, terrorized any soul nearby.

Their long, acute claws inspired terror in whoever encountered them, often breaking their remaining bit of willpower. These creatures could be compared to the spawn of hell.


How did it come to all this?! How?! His thoughts were in utter chaos while he desperately tried to augment the pace of his wretched body.

Derrick Tarlin, 37, was the abandoned son of a mercenary. His mother died giving birth to him. It was also the reason why his dad had left him behind.

When he reached his teens, he learned that his father had been killed in a bar while celebrating an accomplished mission. He was raised by a good foster family, so he didn't feel a single ounce of sadness. His biological father was basically a stranger.

His early childhood had been all right, but good times always came to an end.

At the age of 12, his two foster parents, which were his only relatives, caught an illness and died. They left him everything they owned, which was a small plot of land at the outer limits of the village.

He had lived a peaceful life, although mostly alone. It suited his loner personality a lot. He didn't mind occasionally lending a hand when neighbors were in need, but he would never take the initiative.

Now that everything was coming to an end, he couldn't help but yearn for something different. Only in the face of death would someone be confronted with his past choices.

After all his memories flashed through, his last bit of will vanished. He stopped running and turned around, facing his attackers. His body couldn't keep up anymore, and he fell to his knees, smothering the wet grass under him.

His hectic breathing finally stabilized and it became profound and raspy. Derrick's face, previously full of terror, looked serene after coming to the conclusion that this was the end of the road.

His inability and weakness was something he hadn't cared about before. He respected soldiers that trained every day, hoping to be promoted, but he also pitied them. Why hurt yourself and hope for something that most of them would never be able to reach?

He now realized that he had been wrong. Of course, they were chasing after their goal and hoped to live a more comfortable life, but there was another, more meaningful reason. It was a job that allowed them to fight back, to protect what was theirs.

A slight smile appeared on his unshaven face and his rough traits smoothened out. Oh, regrets...

However, there were no do-overs in life. If there was, he would enjoy everything he had missed on, be it women, possessions or strength. He wouldn't dare hold back. Sadly, those were now the ramblings of a dying man.

The monsters surrounded him and cautiously observed the soon to be corpse.

''An interesting human.... It looks like he stopped begging for his life... he he he...''

The cackling ghoul-like creature advanced from the encirclement and sized up Derrick. It even licked its black lips in anticipation of the feast that was about to unfold.

''You're quite right... My body has already gone past its limits and I'm already at death's door... It's pointless to run further...''

The creature's eyes turned into crescents, pleased by Derricks' answer. Who didn't like a hand-delivered meal?

''Quite smart of a human facing death... I'll even make an exception... Any last words before we devour you?''

Derrick took one last breath and looked at the hideous creature, staring at it with a gaze full of hatred and contempt. The slight smile grew even larger, giving him a wicked appearance.

''I'll be waiting on the other side... And when we meet... We'll see who gets to eat who... hahahaHAHAHAHA.... ughhh!!!''

As blood rushed up his throat and leaked at the corners of his mouth, his sinister appearance aggravated to the point that he looked like demon.

During his maniacal laugh, his punctured lungs finally gave out, causing his whole body to collapse on the ground, dyeing it a scarlet shade. His mind went blank, while his consciousness started leaving his battered body.


After what appeared to be a few minutes, he suddenly woke up. He was startled at first, but realized that he had indeed died.

He hadn't materialized and everything around him was black, without an ounce of life. Derrick was basically a spirit in the absolute void.

''So this is what happens when you die... You just drift in darkness... That's actually underwhelming... I wonder if I'll just fade away into nothingness''

When Derrick's thoughts were starting to drift, a prompt showed up in front of him.

[Welcome Derrick Tarlin! This is System : Nemesis]

[Would you like to take revenge? Yes/No]

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